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How do I update my credit card for my subscription?Clients Updating their payment method This WILL NOT work on our Wix Apps. You can use a mobile browser in desktop mode but a desktop would be the best practice. To update your payment method: Log in to your Shell Shock Fitness account. Go to the My Subscriptions section of the Members Area. Click the relevant plan. Click Update Payment Method. 5. Click Credit/Debit Cards. 6. Enter the relevant details for the new payment method. Note: The current payment method appears at the top to avoid confusion. 7. Click Submit. Notes: This option is only available for active, online recurring subscriptions. Clients can only update their payment method to a valid credit card. Clients need to update the payment method on each subscription separately (changes to one subscription do not affect all subscriptions). Updating payment method is not yet available to everyone, however, your clients can update their payment method through PayPal or Stripe where relevant.
I cannot not log in to my account, even after I have reset my password?If the following does not work, please email us so we can ensure your account is connected correctly. DIY Quick Solution (or you can contact us and we will get to it as soon as we can): You must do this from a Laptop or Desktop. A mobile phone or tablet WILL NOT WORK. 1. Go to and click Log In. 2. Click Forgot Password. 3. Continue with Forgot Password. 4. Enter your Email associated to your Shell Shock® Fitness Account. 5. Click Send. Go to your Email Inbox associated with your Shell Shock® Fitness Account (the one you just entered) and follow the instructions sent from to reset your password. Once you complete this, use the new password you just entered to log back into your Shell Shock® Fitness Account. You may have used a Social Media log in (Facebook or Google), please avoid. This crosses the wires and we cannot turn it off. Please only use your Email & Password. In the future please only use your email and password to log in (not social media, Facebook/ Google). If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to us.
How do I reset my password?If the following does not work, please email us. The platform has changed some things, so we are not entirely sure this way still works. But we now have an option to reset your password from our dashboard. DIY Quick Solution (or you can contact us and we will get to it as soon as we can): You must do this from a Laptop or Desktop. A mobile phone or tablet WILL NOT WORK. 1. Go to and click Log In. 2. Click Forgot Password. 3. Continue with Forgot Password. 4. Enter your Email associated to your Shell Shock® Fitness Account. 5. Click Send. Go to your Email Inbox associated with your Shell Shock® Fitness Account (the one you just entered) and follow the instructions sent from to reset your password. Once you complete this, use the new password you just entered to log back into your Shell Shock® Fitness Account. You may have used a Social Media log in (Facebook or Google), please avoid. This crosses the wires and we cannot turn it off. Please only use your Email & Password. In the future please only use your email and password to log in (not social media, Facebook/ Google). If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to us.
Cancel and refund policyCanceling of any plan will result in the forfeiture of any applied discounts. We give you the ability to manage and cancel your membership(s). We will not be held responsible for canceling your membership(s). For instructions you can always go to our FAQ page. We do not process refunds for missed cancelations.
How do I cancel my subscription?Please refer to the instructions below on how to cancel your account on your own via a computer or mobile device. Via Desktop> To cancel a plan through the Members Area: Log in to your Shell Shock Fitness Account. Click your member profile at the top of the site. Click My Subscriptions in the drop-down menu. Click the More Actions arrow next to your plan. Click Cancel Subscription. Click Yes, Cancel to confirm. Via our Fit App> Click on your image/icon on top left Click on your name Click on My Activities Click on Subscriptions Click on More Details Click on kebab menu/3 vertical dots on upper right Click Cancel subscription
Can I try you out? What short term options do you have?For Streaming we usually have a free trial. For the Studio, If we do not have an introductory sale going on you can always buy a single class... details below... We have a Drop In rate for class. We can also apply this option toward a Studio membership. We will go back as far as the last 30 days from when you purchase a Studio Membership and apply as many Drop In classes you bought toward your membership. Please give us a heads up if you want to do this, most everything is automated. For example: if you purchased 3 Drop In's (1 Studio Class), we will apply this toward your membership.
Do you have an App?Yes. 1. Go where you get your apps 2. Search Fit by Wix 3. Use invite code: YA4JFV to connect to Shell Shock® Fitness 4. Log in with your email and password for Shell Shock® Fitness You can then manage your account as well as stream classes via the Fit App. *Live Stream classes are not available via the Fit App, just Replays (shortly after class ends), see FAQ Streaming questions on how to live stream from your phone.
How do I view LIVE Streaming from your phone/ tablet (iOS/ Android)?Our App (Fit by Wix) currently cannot LIVE Stream. After the live class ends a recording of the live class will be visible on the Live Stream Channel. If you do not see the video there, it has been edited and then put it on it's SSF TV channel. Follow below on how to get to the LIVE Stream on your device (without using the app). You will use your mobile browser like an app. See below for Android & iPhone (scroll down) devices. Please follow these instructions from your Device: 1. Open Chrome Mobile Browser. 2. Go to our website: 3. Tap the Chrome menu button ( 3 dots, top right). 4. Tap Add to Home Screen. 5. Done. App is now on your mobile home screen, tap it, log in and navigate to LIVE Streaming page to watch video. 1. On your iPhone, open Safari Mobile Browser. 2. Go to our website: 3. Tap the Safari share icon. 4. Tap Add to Home Screen. 5. Done. App is now on your mobile home screen, tap it, log in and navigate to LIVE Streaming page to watch video.
How do I stream the videos on my Smart TV (from iOS/ Android Devices)First off, please keep in mind there are many different devices out there and technology is not always our friend. If your phone does not work, please try a laptop or some other device to cast or hardwire to your TV. When casting, both devices must be on the same WIFI network. Every video is recorded in HQ video and a high speed internet connection will give you the best experience. (SSF TV only, LIVE Stream currently not avail. from APP, see below for fix) : To cast from our Fit by Wix App to a smart TV --On Fit App> Any video, simply tap on the casting icon to connect to your smart TV. A list of your available casing options should pop up. Select option. (LIVE Stream & SSF TV) : Safari Mobile Browser option When viewing LIVE Stream (or any other video) via Safari, tap the Air Play icon to connect to your smart TV. A list of your available casing options should pop up. Select option. (SSF TV only, LIVE Stream currently not avail. from APP, see below for fix) : To cast from our Fit by Wix App to a Smart TV --On Fit App> Streaming > Any video, simply tap on the casting icon to connect to your smart TV. A list of your available casing options should pop up. Select option. (LIVE Stream & SSF TV) To cast by sharing your screen from an Android via Chrome Browser From your Android devices download the Google Home (free) App Choose device (If you do not have a Smart TV/ device, Chromecast is an easy less expensive fix that will work with these instructions after you have it up and running) . Then on your phones Chrome browser, search Shell Shock Fitness or use/ click our URL below: Navigate to our streaming page, go to LIVE Stream or pick your video from SSF TV. For additional help Connect your smart devices to Google Home App If you continue to have issues, please reach out to us with the type of devices you are using and/ or, for detailed instruction, please search online to view your specific device instructions.
Why can't I find a video from LIVE Stream?If a video is missing, unless we had technical difficulties, it is because we have pulled it down to edit the raw footage and will be then uploading it to Shell Shock® Fitness TV. Keep track of the class and date. This will be consistent on any channel which you can search but just search the numbers and no symbols. For example if you take Shock on 1/1/2035, the name would be Shock 010135 There may also be technical issues that arise. If so we usually post on the Streaming page and do our best to schedule an additional workout to make up for it. The only exception is if we have a Special Event. Special Events may or may not be uploaded to SSF TV.
Why can I not see videos (some or all)?Refresh your screen... ...Clear your browser's cache/cookies/or history (these are all the same thing, just different names for them). With the vast array of devices, we recommend searching online for How To Do This... ...Log out then log back in. You may have to do some or all of these fixes. When editing videos (pulling them down from the live stream, editing them, then upload them to their perspective channel on Shell Shock® Fitness TV, it could cause a blip with your devise. These fixes should help the problem but if you continue to have trouble, please reach out to us.
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